Button Corner Teddy Money Box

Button Corner Teddy Money Box

This very cute Button Corner Teddy Money Box makes a wonderful keepsake gift for a special little one.The Button Corner Teddy Money Box is in the shape of a child’s stacking cube and mainly has a matt cream finish. To each side of the cube is a raised matt silver square that also has a shiny silver raised letter, the four sides has either 'A,B,C or D. At the top again is a matt silver square however this one has a 3d style shiny silver teddy bear design and a slot so that the... More

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Button Corner Teddy Money Box Button Corner Teddy Money Box
This very cute Button Corner Teddy Money Box makes a wonderful keepsake gift for a special little one.The...
Last update: 14-01-2014 15:11
Delivery: £0.00
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